Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Make Me Up

Last night my sister and I discovered a contest on Annabelle. It's looking for the biggest Makeup Junkie.

Well, if that didn't call out in neon lights, I don't know what would.

So Mel and I went upstairs and I did up my face in a classic makeup ensemble; pale face, light pink blush, champagne eyes, black eyeliner, lots of mascara, and a red lip. And then we were off for a shoot.

Keep in mind, that we discovered this LAST NIGHT at around eight 'oclock, so we didn't even start shooting until closer to nine at night. Unfortunately I'm not blessed with the lights and backdrops of Jane from http://www.seaofshoes.com/ (one of my favourite bloggers, if you have the chance, check her out... she's awesome!), so we had to make do.

Oh, remember when I said that sometimes the photographer must become the model? It has been happening a whole lot more than I would like to admit to, and I can't say that I am impressed.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Oh, How It's Been So Long

"Life is a swift and terrible race."

I've been busy. It's no excuse, I understand, but it's the best I've got.

There is simply too much to update on in the past months, so it seems as though I'll have to restart from this day forth.

Above you will see a collection of photographs from the past little while.

(Also, keep in tuned for pictures from up North in a few weeks!)

Monday, May 11, 2009

A very long time...

A couple weekends ago I played photographer for my best friend's grandparent's 50th anniversary party.

It was a lot of fun and I got to meet a lot of nice people who didn't mind having the camera in their face.

I learned a lot from this experience too. First of all, always ask the hosts to introduce you as the photographer, people are much less suspicious.
Also, never use a long range lens inside a building where the tables are very close together. So many pictures were ruined simply because I forgot to switch to my 18-55mm lens.

Here are a few pictures from the party that I particularly enjoy.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Raining on Parades

In two days I am supposed to be photographing my first "gig" for a friend's grandparent's anniversary party.
But I had to stay home today because of a nasty sinus infection.
I just hope I get to go on Saturday and play photographer.
Today (literally) rained on my parade.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Oh, Presents

Who knew that making the decision to purchase an SLR would cost so much? Well, I didn't. I think I figured that I'd buy the camera and *poof* I would be set for life.
And now I'm sitting here calculating how much it would be to purchase all the goodies to go with it.
I was spared some of the cost when my dad surprised me with a brand new tripod. I can't explain how happy I am, since that was one of the things on my list. Check!
Today I went shopping and finally bought a small camera bag to store my camera in. Nothing fancy, but it keeps it safe from the terrors of everday life.
With my new presents I feel like I can really start my photographic journey!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Once in a Blue Moon

Every so often the photographer must become the model.

And as photographers, we will edit until happy with our slightly un-modelesque pictures.

Yesterday during a photoshoot with my sister the camera was turned on me.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

And These Days.

People like to say that as you get older, time flies by. Maybe that's why I try so hard to capture moments in my life through photographs.
On a recent photoshoot I (and, well, my mother) captured some memories of myself and my sisters.